Do you know how our current elected representative, Bryan Shupe, has been voting in the General Assembly?
This document details just a few examples of Rep. Bryan Shupe’s votes and stances against conservative values. So that you may independently verify this information, links & sources for the following statements have been provided.
HB 73: Shupe voted YES - Change the Delaware Constitution to enable voting by mail for any reason. To preserve election integrity and prevent voter fraud, the Delaware Constitution only allows absentee vote-by-mail by excuse (severe illness, travel, military service). [Source 1] [Source 2]
For comparison, Senator Dave Wilson voted NO.
HB 346 HA 1: Shupe was the only Republican who voted NO - This amendment by Rep. Yearick protected election integrity by adding an identification requirement for voting by mail during the 2020 election. [Source 1] [Source 2]
Pat Smith will fight to pass Voter ID and secure our elections against Democrat schemes to change our constitution and enable voter fraud.
HB 201, HB 202, HB 124: Shupe voted YES - Expands gun-free zones, expands the “Red Flag” law removing 2nd amendment rights without due process, and criminalizes school faculty who want to exercise their right to keep and bear arms to protect their schools. [Source 1] [Source 2] [Source 3]
For comparison, Senator Dave Wilson voted NO.
Pat Smith will oppose any infringements of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Pat supports the rights of teachers and school staff to defend themselves and their students.
HB 49: Shupe is one of the only republicans who was not a co-sponsor of Rep. Collins' bill to limit lockdown authority. In the Delaware State News 2020 Candidate Survey, Shupe pledged to sponsor this bill. He did not keep that promise. [Source 1] [Source 2]
For comparison, Senator Dave Wilson co-sponsored this bill.
Bryan Shupe never spoke out against the vaccine mandates while people were being forced to take a rushed experimental vaccine or lose their jobs. Shupe received contributions from 2020 and on from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and lobbyists in the medical industry. [Source 1]
Pat Smith will vote to limit the government’s emergency powers, oppose medical mandates, and ensure the lockdowns of 2020 are never repeated.
HB 31: Shupe was the only Republican who voted YES - Decriminalization of Abortion. Planned Parenthood was behind this bill to entrench abortion in state law and protect abortion providers from liability.
For comparison, Senator Dave Wilson voted NO.
HB 40: Shupe was the only Republican who voted NO to HB40 in committee - Abortion Ultrasound Informed Consent. This bill required an abortion provider to simply offer a woman the opportunity to see the ultrasound of her baby, as a matter of informed consent. [Source 1]
Pat Smith will always vote to uphold and protect the Right to Life.
HB 224 & HB 155: Shupe voted YES - Establishes New Legal Definitions for Gender and Sexual Orientation, forcing the Left’s radical ideology on the rest of the state and endangering businesses and organizations with frivolous lawsuits. [Source 1] [Source 2] [Source 3]
For comparison, Senator Dave Wilson voted NO.
Pat Smith knows there are two genders and will vote to protect women’s sports and private places.
HB 212 & SB 51: Shupe voted YES - Expands plastic bag ban and bans plastic straws, styrene containers, and more. [Source 1] [Source 2] [Source 3]
For comparison, Senator Dave Wilson voted NO.
Pat Smith will vote against over regulation and unnecessary laws.
BUDGET BILLS: Shupe voted YES four years in a row to increase state spending - more than 3 billion dollars in new spending. Shupe's votes for Fiscal Year Budgets 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 increased the base operating budget by more than 40%. [Source1] [Source2] [Source3] [Source4] [Source5]
Government spending and taxation is out of control. Pat Smith will vote against any budget that does not include significant tax cuts.
HB327: Shupe co-sponsored the Open Primary bill - Allow non-Republicans to Vote in Republican Primaries, removing the choice of picking their nominee from Republican party voters and further diluting options for conservative candidates in the general election. [Source]
Pat Smith will preserve the right of Republican voters to choose their party's candidates.
HB 177: Shupe voted YES - Increasing taxpayer costs with government-run electric vehicle charging stations. This bill permits government agencies to build electric vehicle (EV) charging stations for public use, increasing taxpayer costs and interfering in the free market. [Source 1] [Source 2]
For comparison, Senator Dave Wilson voted NO.
Pat Smith will vote against bills that expend taxpayer funds to prop up Democrats' Green New Scam and interfere with the free market.
In 2023, Shupe joined “transgender” Democrat State Senator Tim “Sarah” McBride in co-founding the Delaware Chapter of “The Future Caucus” [Source 1] [Source 2]
Source: Future Caucus Agenda & Goals
The Future Caucus’s stated goals include:
Universal mail-in-voting
Voting rights for felons
Open primaries
Outlawing "dissemination of misinformation" regarding elections
"Ranked Choice" voting
Taxpayer funding of election campaigns
Removing cash bail
Removing mandatory minimum sentences for serious crimes
Laws restricting employers from asking job seekers criminal history
Taxing solar energy fields as farmland
Increasing legislator pay
Taxpayer funded daycare
Taxpayer funded school meals
Taxpayer funded family and medical leave
Taxpayer funded housing
And more!